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go118 The Go programming language
go119 The Go programming language
go120 The Go programming language
go121 The Go programming language
go122 The Go programming language
go123 The Go programming language
go124 The Go programming language
go14 The Go programming language
goplus The Go+ programming language
gpc GNU Pascal Compiler
gprolog GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
guile18 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (1.8 branch)
guile20 Official extension language for the GNU operating system (2.0 branch)
guile22 Official extension language for the GNU operating system
guile30 Official extension language for the GNU operating system
gwydion-dylan Functional language
hamlet Faithful and complete implementation of the Standard ML
haserl (V) CGI wrapper for mixing HTML with shell script
heirloom-awk Collection of standard Unix utilities (awk)
hjsmin Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier
hs-hslua Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
hs-hslua-classes Type classes for HsLua
hs-hslua-cli Command-line interface for Lua
hs-hslua-core Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
hs-hslua-list Opinionated, but extensible Lua list type
hs-hslua-marshalling Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
hs-hslua-objectorientation Object orientation tools for HsLua
hs-hslua-packaging Utilities to build Lua modules
hs-hslua-repl Isocline-based Lua REPL
hs-hslua-typing Type specifiers for Lua
hs-language-javascript Parser for JavaScript
hs-lua Low-level bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
hs-sourcemap Implementation of source maps as proposed by Google and Mozilla
hugs Functional programming system based on Haskell 98
icon The Icon programming language
idris Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
idris2 Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
inform Interactive fiction compiler (Z-Machine and Glulx)
intercal The ultimate language for obfuscation and job security
io-base (V) All base Io addons
ja-gawk GNU awk + multi-byte extension
jamvm Compact Java Virtual Machine
janet Functional and imperative programming language
japhar Java Virtual Machine, currently JDK 1.1.5-level
jasmin Java assembler interface
jikes Java source to byte-code compiler
jimtcl Small footprint implementation of the Tcl programming language
joker Clojure dialect and linter
joos Java Object Oriented Subset
jpm Janet Project Manager
js JavaScript virtual machine
jttb Small, portable BASIC interpreter written in C
jython (V) Python for the Java Platform
kaffe Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code
kaffe-x11 Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code (AWT support through X11)
kali Distributed implementation of Scheme
kona Interpreter of K, an APL-like programming language
konoha Statically-typed scripting langauge
kotlin Statically typed programming language for Java VM
ksi Portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C
libBlocksRuntime Runtime support for Apple Blocks
libc++ (V) Low Level Virtual Machine libc++ C++ standard library
libc++-abi (V) Low Level Virtual Machine C++ standard library support
libcxx C++ Standard Library
libcxxabi C++ Standard Library
libduktape Embeddable Javascript engine library
libLLVM Low Level Virtual Machine shared library
libLLVM38 (V) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure (old version)
libobjc2 Objective-C runtime library
librep Emacs Lisp-like runtime library, interpreter, compiler and VM
libunwind LLVM libunwind
libxml (V) XML parser (version 1), mainly used by the GNOME project
likepython OMG! It's like Python, but like, you know, casual!
lldb (V) Next generation, high-performance debugger
llvm Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lua-moonscript Dynamic scripting language that compiles into Lua
lua51 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.1)
lua52 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.2)
lua53 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.3)
lua54 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.4)
LuaJIT-git (V) Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
LuaJIT2 Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
LuaJIT21 (V) Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
lush Lisp interpreter/compiler with a seamless interface to C
maude System for equational and rewriting logic specification/programming
mawk AWK clone by Mike Brennan
mercury Modern logic/functional programming language
micropython Embedded version of Python 3
minischeme Very tiny scheme interpreter
mit-scheme-bin MIT/GNU Scheme (Linux binary)
mlir Multi-Level Intermediate Representation
mono Open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework
mono-basic Visual Basic .NET support for mono
moscow_ml Moscow ML, a version of Standard ML
mozjs128 SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (128.x branch)
mozjs78 SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (78.x branch)
mpd The MPD language compiler and run time system
mujs Lightweight embedded JavaScript interpreter
nawk Brian Kernighan's pattern-directed scanning and processing language
neko High-level dynamically typed programming language