go118 | | The Go programming language |
go119 | | The Go programming language |
go120 | | The Go programming language |
go121 | | The Go programming language |
go122 | | The Go programming language |
go123 | | The Go programming language |
go124 | | The Go programming language |
go14 | | The Go programming language |
goplus | | The Go+ programming language |
gpc | | GNU Pascal Compiler |
gprolog | | GNU prolog compiler and interpreter |
guile18 | | GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (1.8 branch) |
guile20 | | Official extension language for the GNU operating system (2.0 branch) |
guile22 | | Official extension language for the GNU operating system |
guile30 | | Official extension language for the GNU operating system |
gwydion-dylan | | Functional language |
hamlet | | Faithful and complete implementation of the Standard ML |
haserl (V) | | CGI wrapper for mixing HTML with shell script |
heirloom-awk | | Collection of standard Unix utilities (awk) |
hjsmin | | Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier |
hs-hslua | | Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language |
hs-hslua-classes | | Type classes for HsLua |
hs-hslua-cli | | Command-line interface for Lua |
hs-hslua-core | | Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language |
hs-hslua-list | | Opinionated, but extensible Lua list type |
hs-hslua-marshalling | | Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language |
hs-hslua-objectorientation | | Object orientation tools for HsLua |
hs-hslua-packaging | | Utilities to build Lua modules |
hs-hslua-repl | | Isocline-based Lua REPL |
hs-hslua-typing | | Type specifiers for Lua |
hs-language-javascript | | Parser for JavaScript |
hs-lua | | Low-level bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language |
hs-sourcemap | | Implementation of source maps as proposed by Google and Mozilla |
hugs | | Functional programming system based on Haskell 98 |
icon | | The Icon programming language |
idris | | Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types |
idris2 | | Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types |
inform | | Interactive fiction compiler (Z-Machine and Glulx) |
intercal | | The ultimate language for obfuscation and job security |
io-base (V) | | All base Io addons |
ja-gawk | | GNU awk + multi-byte extension |
jamvm | | Compact Java Virtual Machine |
janet | | Functional and imperative programming language |
japhar | | Java Virtual Machine, currently JDK 1.1.5-level |
jasmin | | Java assembler interface |
jikes | | Java source to byte-code compiler |
jimtcl | | Small footprint implementation of the Tcl programming language |
joker | | Clojure dialect and linter |
joos | | Java Object Oriented Subset |
jpm | | Janet Project Manager |
js | | JavaScript virtual machine |
jttb | | Small, portable BASIC interpreter written in C |
jython (V) | | Python for the Java Platform |
kaffe | | Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code |
kaffe-x11 | | Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code (AWT support through X11) |
kali | | Distributed implementation of Scheme |
kona | | Interpreter of K, an APL-like programming language |
konoha | | Statically-typed scripting langauge |
kotlin | | Statically typed programming language for Java VM |
ksi | | Portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C |
libBlocksRuntime | | Runtime support for Apple Blocks |
libc++ (V) | | Low Level Virtual Machine libc++ C++ standard library |
libc++-abi (V) | | Low Level Virtual Machine C++ standard library support |
libcxx | | C++ Standard Library |
libcxxabi | | C++ Standard Library |
libduktape | | Embeddable Javascript engine library |
libLLVM | | Low Level Virtual Machine shared library |
libLLVM38 (V) | | Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure (old version) |
libobjc2 | | Objective-C runtime library |
librep | | Emacs Lisp-like runtime library, interpreter, compiler and VM |
libunwind | | LLVM libunwind |
libxml (V) | | XML parser (version 1), mainly used by the GNOME project |
likepython | | OMG! It's like Python, but like, you know, casual! |
lldb (V) | | Next generation, high-performance debugger |
llvm | | Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure |
lua-moonscript | | Dynamic scripting language that compiles into Lua |
lua51 | | Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.1) |
lua52 | | Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.2) |
lua53 | | Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.3) |
lua54 | | Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.4) |
LuaJIT-git (V) | | Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language |
LuaJIT2 | | Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language |
LuaJIT21 (V) | | Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language |
lush | | Lisp interpreter/compiler with a seamless interface to C |
maude | | System for equational and rewriting logic specification/programming |
mawk | | AWK clone by Mike Brennan |
mercury | | Modern logic/functional programming language |
micropython | | Embedded version of Python 3 |
minischeme | | Very tiny scheme interpreter |
mit-scheme-bin | | MIT/GNU Scheme (Linux binary) |
mlir | | Multi-Level Intermediate Representation |
mono | | Open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework |
mono-basic | | Visual Basic .NET support for mono |
moscow_ml | | Moscow ML, a version of Standard ML |
mozjs128 | | SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (128.x branch) |
mozjs78 | | SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (78.x branch) |
mpd | | The MPD language compiler and run time system |
mujs | | Lightweight embedded JavaScript interpreter |
nawk | | Brian Kernighan's pattern-directed scanning and processing language |
neko | | High-level dynamically typed programming language |